Office Management System

Project Info

Client Management System: Client Area Login. By using BmsAPP your clients will have only one login to remember to access their account and support with you. It’s all in one. You do not have to use separate software’s for Order Management, Invoicing, Client Transactions, Support Ticketing System.
Service Management area allows clients to view the details of the products & services they’ve bought from you. Client can view Service Activation Message (e.g. – Order Activation Details, Login User Password for Active Services etc.) from Client Area
Client Transaction/Invoice/Email History shows clients all the transactions, invoices and emails that have been generated and sent to them for review at any time
Orders can be placed using the built in system from client Area. Automatic Invoice generation for New Order
Automated Invoicing & Manual Invoicing Both are available. Automated Invoicing system will take care of billing your customers on new order placed Or a recurring basis for existing Orders. Manual Invoicing allows you to generate one-off invoices for your custom services (e.g. Web Design, Software Development or any Products/Services)
PDF Invoice: One Click Automatic PDF Invoice Creation, Can be downloaded for saving or printing
Fund Adding System from Client Area, Client can add fund in Advance which can be used for future purchase or invoices
Built in Feature rich Ticket System which allows you to efficiently manage client email requests amongst a team of staff
Built In Knowledgebase System for Clients to provide answers to those frequently asked questions for Client Self Service
Open Source & Developer Friendly. No Framework Used. Can be Customized Easily
Templates for both the client and admin areas. You can fully customize both Admin Portal and Client Portal
Drag & Drop Knowledgebase Categories & Articles Sorting
Accounts, Transactions entry with Advanced cross browser Ajax Functionality
Simple Accounting for Tracking your Income, Expense, Transfers etc. Auto Generated Balance Sheet. Net Worth for analyze your Business Growth
Professional Looking Invoices Localization: Set Default Currency & Country
Perform Database Cleanup from Admin Panel
Great UI for Support Ticketing System
Sent Email Logs: Log all emails sent from the system System Logs: Logs all client and Admin Activity
To Do Modules: Multiple lists, Task notes, Tags (and tag cloud), Priority (-1, 0, +1, +2), Different sortings including sort by drag-and-drop, etc
Notice Board Module built with Ajax
Useful Sticky Note Module Built with Ajax
Different Login Portal for Client and Admin
Responsive Design
Putting tools and options exactly where you’d expect them. Develop with users in mind, designed to be easily customizable and extendable. Well Structured Code that emphasizes flexibility and expressiveness. Integrate it into your business as much as you wish. Very Easy To Use with great features.